Attendance and Punctuality
We aim to ensure that all pupils achieve maximum possible attendance and that any barriers to this are identified and acted upon as soon as possible. Our school target for attendance is 96%.
We believe that every day counts and work alongside families to address issues surrounding attendance.
We do not authorise holidays or other extended periods of time off school during term time and recommend families seek support if they have issues with getting their children into school on time.
We ask parents to bring their children in through the main office if they are late and ask them to sign their children in.
We work closely with our families and our school Education Welfare Officer, Ventrice Laidley, to ensure issues around attendance and lateness to school. Mrs Sayed monitors daily attendance alongside Mrs Angeletos and the Senior Leadership team.
We celebrate class attendance in our weekly Star of the Week assemblies.
Download the Attendance and Punctuality Policy from our Key Policies website page.
Authorised Absences
- Appointments are only authorised upon receipt of proof (appointment letter etc.)
- Leave from school to be requested at least 10 days in advance using ‘Leave during Term Time Form’ which is given to the Head Teacher for consideration. (Holidays during term time are not approved.)
Unauthorised Holidays / time off school
- Parents/Carers will receive a fixed penalty notice if an unauthorised holiday is taken for 3 or more days during term time.
- 21 consecutive days of unauthorised absence of any child in Nursery – Year 6 will result in a child’s school place being lost.
Attendance Monitoring
- If it is known that a child will not return before 21 days, an EWO referral will be completed and sent to Education Welfare Officer (EWO).
- Attendance panel meetings are held to discuss individual cases of absenteeism.
- Children with an attendance under 90% are monitored by the Attendance Officer and EWO.
- Nursery procedures: If attendance is at or below 85% a meeting is arranged with the our Early Years Lead to support and improve attendance. If it remains consistently at or below 85% Nursery children may lose their place.
If attendance falls below 96% (Reception-Y6)
Notification of attendance is sent to parent/carer and monitored for 2 weeks and record of child’s attendance kept in attendance monitoring folder.
If no significant improvement
Second notification letter is sent to parent/carer and meeting with a member of the school Leadership Team is arranged. Attendance is monitored for 2 weeks.
If there is an improvement attendance is monitored until it is at 96%.
If still no improvement and attendance falls below 90%
Third letter is sent informing parents/carers of an EWO referral. Meetings are arranged with the EWO.
If no significant improvement after monitoring period
Following all interventions and support from school a (NPR) letter is issued, Notification of Parental Responsibility letter, if no improvement its then a formal school attendance panel meeting. If no improvement is made after this, court action may be taken.