Autumn 2024
During this term, children will be learning to develop relationships with other children and adults in the setting. This is done by engaging with children in activities that they are interested in and choose independently. Through these interactions children's speech and language is supported and extended and back and forth conversations encouraged.
Children will be learning the Nursery routine and how to be as independent as possible e.g. hanging up their coat when they come in and getting their own snack at the table. All areas of the Early Years Curriculum is taught through play, for example, counting how many blocks are in the towers that have been built and using mathematical language to describe size and shape.
Pre-phonics is taught through learning rhymes, action songs and exploring musical instruments. We play listening games during our play, identifying sounds in the environment and creating different sounds using a variety of resources e.g. spoons and sticks tapped on different surfaces.
In The Moment Planning
The cycle of observation, assessment and planning at George Tomlinson is carried out on a moment-by-moment basis. Each week, approximately 10% of the class will be focus children.
Some interactions and activities that occur are recorded when the cycle is complete. These records are on the learning journeys of the focus children and on “in the moment” planning sheets for activities in which a group become involved.
We work this way because young children are experiencing and learning in the here and now, not storing up their questions until tomorrow or next week. It is in that moment of curiosity, puzzlement, effort or interest—the “teachable moment” - that the skillful adult makes a difference.
By using this cycle on a moment-to-moment basis, the adult will be always alert to individual children (observation), always thinking about what it tells us about the child’s thinking (assessment), and always ready to respond by using appropriate strategies at the right moment to support children’s well-being and learning (planning for the next moment).
When your child is a focus child you will receive notification the week before. We will give you a sheet to complete and ask you to take some pictures over the weekend. The week after your child has been a focus child, the class teacher will meet with you to discuss your child’s learning. This will replace the traditional parents’ evening.
Nursery Library
Children have the opportunity to borrow books from our Nursery library to enjoy at home. They are encouraged to choose for themselves and talk about the book when they are returned. Our library days will be Tuesday and Friday. Books can be changed on either or both of these days.
Spare Clothes
Please bring spare clothes in a bag for your child. These don't need to be uniform but trousers need to be joggers or leggings so children can continue to go to the toilet independently. Please put your child's name on their bag. These can be left in Nursery on your child's peg.
Nursery Fund
In EYFS, we invite parents to make a £10 donation each term. These donations allow us to provide daily snacks for the children, as well as for ingredients to make playdough and buy art supplies for our creative areas. Thank you so much for this.
You can make your donation either through parent pay or by giving £10 cash to your child's teacher in a named envelope.
Our Nursery times are:
Morning sessions - 8:30am - 11:30am
Afternoon sessions - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Full Time - 8:30am - 3:30pm
30 hour code - 8:30am - 3:30pm x 4 days + 8:30am - 11:30am on a day that is convenient to you. This is equal to 31 hours.
If you would like to do 5 full days the cost is £30 for the extra session.
Welcome to our Nursery
At George Tomlinson Nursery we follow Development Matters, which is the curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This guidance focuses not only on what children learn but how they learn. As a setting we provide children with opportunities to become independent thinkers and learners and the resources to enable them to drive their own learning through our continuous provision.
The learning areas are:
- Communication & Language
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts & Design
Focus Children
When your child is a 'focus child' you will be given a form that asks if you have anything significant coming up or that has happened recently. Also any comments, questions or concerns you may have, You will also be asked to email some photographs that have been taken over the weekend or very recently for the children to share with the class. The children will then stick these into their special book and a teacher will scribe what they say about their picture. The children LOVE to do this!
Equipment for children
Your child needs to bring a water bottle everyday, this needs to have their name on it as there are often identical bottles. If your child is staying for lunch, they will need to bring a healthy packed lunch. Hot food can be brought in a thermos flask. Please note, we are a nut free school.
Please put your child's name on all items of clothing, including shoes. Children take off their shoes to wear welly boots and we have shoes which are the same. Having their name inside helps the shoes go on the correct feet! Thank you. We have lots of water play during our day, therefore please bring a bag of spare clothes (this doesn't need to be uniform), this can stay at nursery.
In the Moment Planning
Previous Nursery newsletters 2024
Rhyme of the week
Rhyme of the week
‘Sitting on the bus’
Thanks Evie, it’s a great song!