Download the Homework Policy from our Key Policies website page.
- Homework is given out to help children consolidate and deepen their learning.
- Children are expected to be read to, and/or are expected to read every day. This is very important as it develops children in many ways!
- Homework is given out weekly. Within the homework tasks, pupils are always given a choice of activity to do for their English and Maths, which gives them ownership of their learning.
- Homework is optional, when it is completed we ask it is completed to a high standard and returned on time.
- Children are always given a challenge for their homework if they want to push themselves further.
- Part of the children’s homework is to complete maths and spellings homework online on SumDog. Every child has their own user name and password for this great learning platform, which gives immediate feedback and is proven to develop children’s mathematical and spelling proficiency. Go to www.sumdog.com to log in.Sum Dog Parent Leaflet.
- Children are tested on their spellings every week and they also have a weekly times tables test.
- For their times tables test, the children use “Rainbow Maths”, where they are tested on the times tables target that is right for them. They progress at their own pace and are aware of their targets.
- Children are expected to practice their timetables at home.
- Each half term children will be given a child-led homework project, which will be linked to their topic.
- If you would like to know more about how you can help your child with their learning, please speak to your class teacher.
- Please refer to our homework brochure for more information.
- Homework is handed out on Friday and due in the following Wednesday.