Year 2
Class assemblies
16.1.25 - Joint Year 2 (Blackbird, Egret and Firecrest)
3.4.25 – Year 2 Egret
1.5.25 – Year 2 Firecrest
8.5.25 – Year 2 Blackbird
Autumn 2024
Weekly dates
· PE is on Wednesday and Friday (pupils should attend school in their PE kits)
· Homework is assigned on Fridays and should be returned on Tuesday in homework books
· Spellings of the week are on Friday
Library and reading records
Mondays - Blackbird
Tuesdays - Firecrest
Thursdays - Egret
Each week, Year 2 will visit the school library with their class. On this day, pupils can return their old library book and choose to renew it or take a new one. Please ensure library books are returned each week.
Reading records:
Each pupil will be provided with a reading record. In this, someone at home can write a comment about what has been read e.g. if they are enjoying the book, struggling with the book or just an acknowledgment that they have read. Reading records must be brought to school every day and we will check reading records every morning.
Each pupil will have a day where they can change their banded book. This is a book suitable for the pupils’ reading attainment. You can find your child’s banded book day in their reading record.
Any changes to school routines will be sent out on ‘TheSchoolApp’. If you need to get in touch about anything further, you can email the school, write a note or catch a member of the Year 2 team at drop off/collection time. In addition to this, there will be termly parents’ evenings to discuss school life.
This term's learning:
In English, pupils will learn about a variety of text types. This includes: poetry, a journey story, a biography, a news report and a persuasive poster. Pupils will take part in daily SPaG activities focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar in line with the Year 2 targets.
In Year 2, we have daily reading lessons which include whole class texts, banded book reading, reading with prosody, dictionary work and comprehension.
Pupils are expected to read / be read to for a minimum of 20 minutes every day. It is vital that you are able to read with your child every day to help them make good progress in their reading. Please remember to make a note of this in their reading record which we will be checking every morning.
We follow the Teaching for Mastery approach in Maths which includes using the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial & abstract). The mastery approach will help pupils to develop a deeper understanding of concepts before moving on.
This term, we will focus on:
· Place Value
· Addition and Subtraction
· Shape
In science, our topic is ‘Animals Including Humans’. Pupils will investigate animals and their offspring, sort and classify animals into different groups and compare their lifecycles. They will also build on their scientific enquiry skills by taking part in practical activities.
In History and Geography, Year 2 are learning about: the United Kingdom and the Great Fire of London. Pupils will take part in collaborative and practical activities to gain a deeper understanding of these topics.
In Art and DT, Year 2 are learning about: Food Technology and Textiles. They will also take part in weekly ‘stay smart with art’ activities which encourage them to think creatively and experiment with different art techniques.
In RE, Year 2 are learning about: ‘What can we learn from sacred books?’ and ‘How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?’. This helps pupils develop beliefs and values, and promotes the virtues of respect and empathy.
In Music lessons, Year 2 are learning about: Exploring Simple Patterns and Focus on Dynamics and Tempo.
In RHE (Relationships and Health Education), Year 2 are learning about: Being Responsible and Staying Healthy.
Home learning resources and other useful information
Times Tables Rock Stars (
Showcase Grid - London Grid for Learning (