Maths at George Tomlinson
At George Tomlinson, we believe that a firm foundation in mathematics is essential to everyday life. Maths equips children with skills and tools which include logical reasoning, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning skills and the ability to be creative and adaptable thinkers which supports children making links between existing knowledge and learnt knowledge. We endeavour to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them and help them in the future.
We aim to deliver an engaging curriculum that is accessible to all and all children are encouraged by the belief that by trying their best, persevering, being resilient learners and working hard at maths they can succeed.
We aim to plan and deliver high-quality lessons that are carefully sequenced in order to ensure that key concepts are taught and lessons build upon one another.
We expect our children to:
develop their fluency skills so they are able to select the most efficient and appropriate method to solve a problem
develop a deep conceptual understanding of number
think critically and clearly communicate their understanding and mathematical thinking
make links and connections between previous learning or skills
acquire and grasp mathematical understanding and knowledge using concise mathematical language
use and apply their mathematical thinking in a range of contexts including real world contexts
to apply their mathematical knowledge in other subjects and areas of their learning
know key number facts such as times tables and number bonds
use manipulatives to ‘see the maths’
Throughout the school day, children engage in various activities to develop, strengthen and extend their mathematical skills.
These include:
regular fluency sessions - at least 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes from EYFS to Year 6. This consists of Mastering Number which is taught in EYFS-Year 2 and explicit fluency sessions in Years 3-6.
within Year 3 and 4, multiplication facts are reviewed regularly during the week to encourage pupils to learn and recall multiplication and division facts confidently.
Mastering Number in Year 4 and 5.
in-depth discussion and opportunities for all learners to develop their problem-solving and reasoning skills.
provide children with opportunities to apply their mathematical skills in a range of contexts across the curriculum to make learning more meaningful and relevant
use of partner talk to develop mathematical thinking and develop speaking and listening skills.
developing their ability to solve problems and provide sound reasoning – both of which are essential in mathematics and everyday life.
online resources such as Times tables Rockstars.
high expectations of outcomes in terms of quality of work/learning as well as non-recorded outcomes.
At the start of a new topic children have an exploratory task or investigation to engage children (e.g. related to real-life, problem-solving question or illustrations) and opportunities for AFL.