Our Curriculum
At George Tomlinson Primary School, we aim to provide a rich and inclusive curriculum that is accessible to all our pupils and that represents and celebrates the diverse cultures of our children and our local community.
Our curriculum is organised to provide our children with the skills and knowledge to achieve success in life, building on prior learning and experiences. We aim to ensure that our children develop into confident speakers, readers and writers, that they read widely and develop a real love for books that they take with them into adulthood. We have a strong emphasis on teaching the basic skills of reading, writing and maths to the highest standard so that our children can achieve their full potential.
Reading, writing and maths are taught discretely, with outcomes linked to topics and key texts where appropriate.
The deliberate teaching of oracy skills and rich vocabulary in all subjects ensures that our children are able to verbalise their knowledge and understanding in a precise and considered manner.
Foundation subjects are grouped around topics, where appropriate, to ensure our children have the opportunity to create learning links and embed a knowledge and understanding of a broad range of topics and concepts.
Teachers use a range of assessment techniques to inform their planning, ensuring that children recognise and celebrate their achievements and know their next steps. Pupils with additional needs are well-supported in school with extra support and resources deployed where necessary to help close individual learning gaps.
Learning across school is supported and enriched by:
- A timetabled programme of lessons which are based on the National Curriculum;
- A dynamic and interactive environment that supports and challenges individual learning;
- WOW days;
- Themed and special focus weeks;
- Regular use of our school field and outdoor spaces;
- Regular out of school trips and workshops.
In addition, our curriculum and children’s learning and experiences are further supported by:
- Providing activities such as drama productions, music and instrumental lessons and performances, sports opportunities and coding clubs;
- Inviting members of our local community into school to share their expertise, raise aspirations and foster community links;
- Delivering weekly assemblies which highlight key national, international and religious events;
- And developing leadership skills through initiatives such as Librarians, Playground Pals, Sports Ambassadors and Eco and School Council representatives.
To find out more about our curriculum please download and click on the following documents and weblinks:
All our classes take part in a range of trips out of school throughout the year to extend their curriculum and cultural learning. These visits bring learning into context and provide all our children the opportunity to have enriching learning experiences. During their time at George Tomlinson, children have the opportunity to visit many of the museums, parks, galleries, libraries, places of worship and theatres in our local area as well as across wider London. All classes visit our local library and a London Art Gallery and/or cultural space each year and these include:
Reception - Tate Modern
Year 1 - National Gallery
Year 2 - William Morris / Little Angel Theatre
Year 3 - Tate Modern
Year 4 - Portrait Gallery
Year 5 - Tate Britain / Stratford East
Year 6 - Hayward / Barbican Galleries
If you would like further information about the curriculum coverage in your child's year group, please visit the year group pages of the website or speak to your child's class teacher for more detailed progression documents.