Year 6
Autumn 2024
Weekly dates:
PE is on Mondays and Thursdays
Homework is given out on Fridays and should be returned on Wednesday
Times table tests are on Friday for both classes
Spellings tests are on Monday for both classes
In Autumn term, Year 6 pupils are learning about World War 2. The children will write to inform by planning and composing an explanation text about the Blitz. They will also research and write about the impact of the war on Britain, including a diary entry as an evacuee. They will also build a model of an Anderson Shelter.
In English, pupils’ writing will be inspired by the poem ‘The Jabberwocky’ by Lewis Carroll. They will also be writing a dual narrative (suspense) story inspired by The Bear and the Hare. For BHM, Year 6 will be writing biographies of leaders and legends from black history.
Year 6 pupils enjoy daily Destination Reader lessons, where we read class texts linked to all areas of our learning, banded books, and other texts for pleasure.
In Mathematics, pupils are mastering objectives in
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
In Science, our topic is 'Animals Including Humans'. Children will do a practical investigation and learn to identify parts of the human circulatory system: heart, blood vessels and blood and recognize the impact of diet, hygiene, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function. In addition, they will research information about two scientists: William Harvey and Florence Rena Sabin.
Religious Education
In RE, we are investigating the question “Is it better to express your beliefs in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?” and we will be having discussions and debates about this topic.
In Music lessons, Year 6 will complete a unit of work focused around one song: Happy by Pharrell Williams. They will also listen to appraise and play other songs such as: Top Of The World sung by The Carpenters and Don’t Worry, Be Happy sung by Bobby McFerrin.
In Relationships and Health Education, we will be learning about 'Being Responsible' and 'Relationships’.
Pupils are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes every night and to record what they read in their reading record book (this can be done by an adult or by the child themselves).
Visit these websites for learning activities at home: