Year 4
Autumn 2024
This year we have three classes:
Dotterel class: Ms Shahid
Merlin class: Ms Kaur
Wren class: Mr Brown
TA: Mrs Browne
Reading records:
Each pupil will be provided with a reading record. In this, someone at home can write a comment about what has been read e.g. if they are enjoying the book, struggling with the book or just an acknowledgment that they have read. Reading records must be brought to school at least once a week on their book changing days. Each pupil will have a day where they can change their banded book. This is a book suitable for the pupils’ reading attainment.
Any changes to school routines will be sent out on ‘TheSchoolApp’. If you need to get in touch about anything further, you can email the school or your Year 4 teacher, write a note or speak to a member of the Year 4 team at the end of the school day.
Weekly dates
PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays
Homework is given out on Fridays and should be returned on Tuesday
Rainbow maths times table tests are on Friday
Reading logs should be returned on a weekly basis so that books can be changed regularly
Spellings tests are on Friday
Library times: Wren – Monday 1:45-2:15pm
Merlin – Wednesday 1:45-2:15pm
Dotterel – Thursday 1:45-2:15pm
Class assemblies:
4 Wren class assembly – Thursday 31st October 2024
4 Merlin class assembly - Thursday 7th November 2024
4 Dotterel class assembly - Thursday 14th November 2024
Year 4’s visit to Leytonstone library
Monday 30th September 2024 afternoon.
Wednesday 2nd October 2024 afternoon.
Thursday 3rd October 2024 afternoon.
Autumn 2024 learning
In English, pupils will be planning, editing and publishing a letter to their future selves. They will open these letters and reflect on year 4, at the end of the year in July. They will be reading a poem called, ‘The Railway carriage’ and identify the key features of the text type. In addition, they will be reading biographies. They will identify the key features of biographies. Then they will research, plan and write a biography. Pupils will take part in regular SPaG activities focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar in line with the Year 4 curriculum.
In Year 4, we have daily reading lessons which include whole class texts, banded book reading, dictionary work and developing comprehension skills.
Pupils are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes every day and to record what they read in their reading record. It is vital that you are able to read with your child every day to help them make good progress in their reading. Please remember to encourage your child to comment regularly and we encourage parents/ carers to also comment in the reading record which will be checked by your child’s class teacher each week.
We follow the Teaching for Mastery approach which includes using the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial and abstract). The mastery approach will help children to develop a deeper understanding of concepts before moving on.
This term, we will focus on:
- Number and place value
- Addition and subtraction
Whilst continuing to develop our efficient mental and written strategies for all four operations, including learning and then quickly recalling our times table facts and related division facts.
History & Geography
In autumn term, Year 4 pupils are learning about Ancient Greece and its impact on Britain. The children will locate Greece and will be learning about who the Ancient Greeks were and their culture, society and lifestyle. In addition, they will be learning about the impact and legacy of Ancient Greece on the modern world.
In science, our topic is 'Electricity'. The pupils will learn about safety, how electricity is generated, electrical circuits, symbols for circuit components, conductors and insulators. In addition to these lessons, the children will research information about two scientists: Benjamin Franklin and Lewis Latimer (an African-American scientist who invented carbon filaments for light-bulbs).
Art & Design Technology
In art, the pupils will learn about Jean-Michel Basquiat. They will create self-portraits, which will be inspired by the works of the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. They will also take part in weekly ‘stay smart with art’ activities which encourage them to think creatively and experiment with different art techniques.
In design and technology, the children will investigate different materials for their strength. They will work in groups to design and make their own Parthenon structures which they will test and evaluate.
Religious Education
Our R.E learning question is: Why are festivals important to religious communities? The children will identify similarities and differences in the way that festivals are celebrated and explore the idea of what is worth celebrating and remembering. They will ask questions and give ideas about what matters most to believers in festivals.
In Music lessons, Year 4 are learning about the question: How does Music bring us together? The children will be encouraged to think deeply about the world, their communities and their relationships with others. They will explore the songs and musical sections that repeat or change, or help create the structure, or form, of a piece of music or a song. As well as look for patterns in the sections of music and songs within this unit.
In RHE our topic is, ‘being responsible’. The children will identify some situations where it’s important to be on time and why it is important to have rules at home.
To support our exciting curriculum, we ask, if you are able to, for a voluntary contribution per term to be put towards materials, cooking ingredients, outdoor learning resources etc. This can be done via Parent Pay App and select ‘Year 4 voluntary contributions’.