Summer-born deferrals September 2025
September 2025
What is a summer-born deferral?
In addition to the legal right to defer (delay) the Reception class start date, for Summer-born children (born from 1 April to 31 August) families can apply to defer entry to Reception until the next September when the child would normally start in Year 1.
If this is agreed, the child will be in a year group below that determined by their date of birth. This means they will always be in a primary school class with children a year below them based on age.
What is the difference between deferral (delay) and Summer-born deferral?
Deferral is a legal right and results in a child missing part of their Reception year. Summer-born deferral gives families only a legal right to apply to start Reception a year late and in one that is outside their child's age group.
Any decisions regarding a Summer-born deferral is at the school and Headteacher's discretion.
Any family’s decision making should consider the physical, social and emotional development of their child and the impact of them being in a class with younger children throughout their whole school journey.
Families must also understand that deferral will result in the allocated place being withdrawn and families will be required to apply again for Reception. This means when applying for Reception for a second time (due to Summer-born deferral) it is possible that the same school may not be offered.
From September 2025, a place at George Tomlinson Nursery is not guaranteed for families requesting a Summer-born deferral.
Admission to our Nursery is a separate process, and you will need to apply as usual if you wish for your child to attend, please be aware that applications of in year age group applications will take preference.
Application process for summer-born deferrals
At George Tomlinson, we believe that in general children should be educated within their correct chronological year group, with the curriculum adapted as necessary to meet the needs of individual children, and that they should only be placed outside their normal age group in very limited and exceptional circumstances.
All applications for a Summer-born deferral must be made in writing to the Headteacher.
All applications for summer-born deferrals will require evidence of the particular circumstances relating to your individual child rather than general factors which relate to a wider group of children born at the same time.
In reaching a decision the following will be taken into account:
1. the parent’s views
2. information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development
3. whether developmental delay is adversely affecting their readiness for school
4. the child’s medical history, where relevant, and the views of a medical professional
5. whether the child would have naturally fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely.
Each request will be carefully considered and a decision will be made on the merits of the individual case.
Families considering Summer-born deferrals should speak to the professionals who work with their child to get a full picture as to whether deferring Reception for a year would be in their best interests for both the short and the long term.
Right of appeal
There is no statutory right of appeal if you are refused Summer-born deferral. Where an applicant is unhappy with the decision regarding their application for summer-born deferral they may choose to lodge a complaint with the school using the published complaints procedure.
Summer-born deferral FAQs
Is summer-born deferral available to all families?
No, only those with children born between 1 April and 31 August.
Can I request Summer-born deferral in any year group?
No, Summer-born deferral only applies when a family want to defer their child’s expected start date into Reception until the September of the following year, not other year groups.
Will the agreed deferral continue throughout a child’s education?
Not in all cases. It is expected that the deferral will continue to the end of primary school but the family will need to apply again for deferral as the child moves to secondary school unless they attend an ‘All Through’ school where the process may be different. There is no guarantee that the secondary school would agree to the child starting in Year 7 and potentially this would mean starting in Year 8 therefore missing a full year at secondary school.
If summer-born deferral is agreed, can their year group be changed if the parent changes their mind?
No, as the place would be withdrawn when Summer-born deferral was agreed. The only option will be to make an in-year application, but there is no guarantee the same school will be offered as all places may have been offered to other children.
Where the child has already started their Reception (Summer-born) this will be a decision for the Headteacher as they will need to work with the family to consider the impact on the child. For example, if in Year 2 a family decides they were not happy with their child being in a lower year group than other children of their own age, it will need to be understood to all parties the impact of the child moving up a year as this will mean they lose a year’s education. In some instances a school may not have a vacancy in the child’s correct year group and therefore there would need to be a further in year application with no guarantee that a preferred school has places available.